2020-01-08 03:41:27

On Tet holiday, unhealthy eating, fussy eating together with incorrect food selection and storage lead to the risk of acute diseases. So what are the common diseases during Tet? How to prevent?

Hepatobiliary diseases

Eating and drinking on Tet holiday is often not moderately prone to develop obesity, fatty liver, acute hepatitis and alcoholic hepatitis ...

 Fatty liver, hepatitis: People with a history of fatty liver disease, hepatitis B or at risk of fatty liver (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular ...) should have a balanced lifestyle, prevent complications severe as progressive hepatitis or cirrhosis.

 Alcoholic hepatitis: Manifestations of anorexia, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, jaundice, occasionally mental disorders. Unfavorable movements after heavy and continuous drinking time. Alcoholic hepatitis can be fatal, especially for people with a history of bile liver disease. Do not drink more than 2 small glasses of wine a day. Alcohol can cause damage to the hepatopancreas even if taken sparingly if taken with acetaminophen (Panadol, Decolgen, Efferalgan, Alaxan ...).

Food poisoning is very likely during Tet holiday due to improper food selection and storage.

Food poisoning

Causes: using unhygienic food, rancid; unfamiliar with food or eating together at the same time.

 Manifestations: vomiting and diarrhea; Depending on the cause of the poisoning, symptoms of vomiting are more prominent or have more diarrhea.

Acute Gastritis 

The reason: mainly due to drinking lots of alcohol and using stimulants like coffee, chili ...

 Manifestations: mainly abdominal pain in the epigastric burning, accompanied by belching, heartburn, may have feelings of nausea or vomiting. In severe cases, gastrointestinal bleeding, including vomiting of blood and bowel movements, must be taken to the hospital.

 Patients with gastric, duodenal or pancreatitis absolutely do not drink sour fruit juices such as lemon, orange, apple, grape, strawberry ... because this fruit has many organic substances. Increases stomach acid, causing heartburn.

  If you have any health abnormalities on Tet holiday, you should go to the hospital for examination so that the doctor can handle it promptly. Photo of Emergency Department City International Hospital.


Causes: low fiber diet and lack of exercise; Overuse of coffee and caffeinated soft drinks can make you dehydrated. The doctor recommends:

  • Eat enough fiber: 300g or more of vegetables per day (vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole-grain cereals).
  • Drink plenty of water: 6-8 glasses of water per day (equivalent to 1.5-3 liters). Drinking water early in the morning, before eating, stimulates bowel movements that make bowel movements easier.
  • The juice, the boiled vegetable juice is also very good.

Colds and respiratory diseases

Pharyngitis, influenza, bronchitis, sinusitis, colds. When a cold lasts more than a week, it is likely that the flu has already occurred, which can lead to pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis ...

 Prevention: wear warm when it's cold, do not share towels and toothbrushes with other people, cover your mouth when coughing, sneezing.

 If you have a cold, you should use hot sugar water with a few slices of grilled ginger, add vitamin C and eat hot chicken porridge to improve health.

 Patients with fever should not drink sweet fruit juice because it is easier to raise blood sugar, then white blood cells will kill bacteria more slowly.


Food ingredients in a rich meal, many types affect blood sugar, blood lipids, especially postprandial hyperglycemia. Beverages like beer contain a lot of sugar, and drinking a lot of alcohol will not be beneficial for cardiovascular and blood pressure, but patients with diabetes have 50-70% of cardiovascular complications.

 Patients with diabetes should remember the principle: before Tet, you should check your health so that your doctor can adjust your blood sugar, blood pressure, blood fat to the optimal limit, use the right medicine and enough doses (must ensure enough medicine in Tet holidays). Immediately after Tet holiday, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible.

 In the New Year days, it is necessary to dismiss the "abstinence" mentality, not for joy but to forget to take medicine and insulin injections.

 People with diabetes should minimize drinking grape juice and sweet fruits because they contain high amounts of fructose, can cause hyperglycemia, can use diet soda but should not be used too. 1 can / day. Avoid drinking beer, excessive alcohol. Living hours try to ensure moderation.

 Patients with diabetes should limit the amount of sticky rice from banh chung and tet cake. Do not eat dried fruits and sweet fruits but replace them with watery fruits like grapefruit, dragon fruit, plums and vegetables. 


Many factors can trigger an onset of acute gout attacks or worsen the condition. The first is an unreasonable diet and a lot of alcohol. A protein-rich diet such as red meats, animal meats, seafood, and poultry eggs is an important cause of gout attacks.

 In addition to diet, the activity is also one of the factors contributing to the onset of acute gout attacks. People with gout may also have many diseases and associated risk factors, so check before and after Tet to prevent drug, ready to prevent acute gout attacks.

 People with gout should eat rice, fruits of all kinds to help slow down the absorption of protein. Absolutely not eat, drink any form of alcohol such as alcohol, beer.

 Maintain a moderate activity regime. During Tet holiday, we still need to exercise as usual.


This incident also often increases during the holidays. The precautions are the same for hypertension. People with cardiovascular disease should carry with them the usual cardiovascular medications used to prevent uncertainty. You must stop all activities, lie in a quiet place, take heart medicine and call emergency services when you see signs.


  • Left chest pain, shortness of breath ...
  • Fatigue, numbness in arms, legs, face or one side of the body.
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness makes you unable to see everything, faints your face, stands unsteady, hard of hearing and hard to speak.

Self-monitor blood pressure values ​​regularly; store enough medicine during Tet so that it can be prevented and treated promptly.

How to eat properly on Tet holiday?

During Tet, each meal should only eat about 70-80% of the food compared to normal, divided into several meals. Banh chung and banh tet are almost full of nutrients including protein, starch and fat, only lacking fiber content (no more than 200g / day).

 The cold meat, spring rolls mainly provide protein and fat but contain saturated fatty acids should be unhealthy (no more than 100g / day).

 Confectionery cakes contain high sugar content, so it is not suitable for people with hypertension and diabetes.

 Among the many health-threatening foods, fruit is considered to be the healthiest. For the average person can use 2 or 3 servings of fruit a day (each serving is equivalent to an apple, or three zones of grapefruit, or two plums, or an orange, or a corner of watermelon ...).

 If you encounter any abnormal signs of health, go to the hospital to check and guide timely treatment, ensure health during the New Year.

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  • Operator: (8428) 6280 3333, ext. 0
  • Address: No. 3, 17A Street, Binh Tri Dong B Ward, Binh Tan Dist. (Next to AEON Mall Binh Tan). Ho Chi Minh City.
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Pharmacity Clinic (Managed by City International Hospital)

  • Clinic location: 44 Quoc Huong, Thao Dien, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Helpline: (028) 700 3350 - 093 357 6086
  • Clinic hours: 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.


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