2020-02-17 09:17:44

 The outbreak of coronary pneumonia caused by coronavirus (Covid-19) is becoming more and more complicated. According to public update, the world had 71,330 confirmed, 1,775 deaths. In Vietnam, 16 cases of Covid-19 were lab confirmed: youngest patient is 3 months old and 7 recovered.

 To prevent the spread of respiratory infections caused by corona virus, the Prime Minister has directed all ministries, branches and localities to drastically prevent and control epidemics, including the financial sector. Bank. Accordingly, from 31 January, the National Bank of Vietnam issued a written request for the whole bank system to raise awareness and attach importance to the implementation of measures to prevent and control diseases.

 February 14, 2020, Vietbank in collaboration with City International Hospital and Gia An Hospital 115 organized an online consultation program: coronavirus infection and how to prevent it with experts: Assoc.Prof.Dr.Tran Quang Binh - Deputy Medical Director of City International Hospital, Dr. Phan Thanh Toan level 2 Specialist and Head of Emergency Department of Gia An 115 Hospital.

General Director of Vietbank, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nhung honored flowers to feature speakers.

Here are questions and answers as well as expert advice .

Question: According to the World Health Organization's recommendations, there are three basic ways to infect covid 19. So those who work in the banking sector are often exposed to money and meet how many people, to attend a meeting and to go in the elevator so how to avoid infection? - (Mr. Binh, Ms. Thu - Business support division of the office).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quang Binh

Covid 19 i s similar to other viruses and other pathogens that are spread through the respiratory tract. That is, its transmission usually takes three main routes:

  • Spreads through droplets: when the sick person is in front of him to approach him, he may cough and then the droplets will follow but the secretions from the throat fly out.
  • Spreads through contact: that is, spread through our hands and this is very important to note in precautions.
  • Pass through the air: but this is a very limited path. When the patient is doing procedures such as the patient intubated when the patient has respiratory failure.

The patient was bronchoscopic endoscopy to get samples or aerosol spray for treatment. It is these procedures that can be transmitted via air and the procedure must pay attention. The new virus is identified to spread from one person to another through direct contact with respiratory droplets of infected person. It could be indirectly spread if people touch an object with the virus and then touch their mouths, noses or eyes. So for those of you in the bank tellers need to pay attention:

Please wear a mask properly and keep a safe distance for yourself from the opposite person at least over 1m. In case of contact with customers sitting in front of the best measure is to wear a mask and do not forget to wash your hands often.

Some provinces now notify students to return to school while there is much information that the corona virus can be incubated for 24 days and that the peak of the outbreak could occur by the end of February. What advice is there to avoid spreading the infection in the school environment?

(Question on fanpage VietBank)

Phan Thanh Toan, II, MD

The covid 19 virus mainly persisted long ago via droplets and contact routes. Therefore, students in the school environment should apply measures to prevent virus infection. Parents should remind students at school or at home:

  • Enhancing personal hygiene: hand hygiene, washing hands with an antiseptic solution of alcohol.
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your hands or tissues and wash your hands afterwards.
  • If children show signs of cough, fever, etc., they should take them to the hospital for examination, not take them to school. In addition, the school should increase hygiene and antiseptic for children who are exposed, can limit the use of air conditioning and open the door to open space.

Does the flu vaccine work against corona virus? And during a pandemic should children be vaccinated?

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quang Binh

Currently we do not have enough scientific evidence to prove that the influenza virus can help protect against corona virus. Influenza viruses have many strains and each strain of flu will change each year. That is why the flu strain we acquired last year to next year may have a different strain rather than just getting the flu vaccine to avoid the flu. However, if we have a preventive vaccination, it can help us, protect us and if we get sick, we can protect ourselves and those around us.

And in a season like this, if possible, should vaccinate yourself or children because if in this season, if you unfortunately have an extra flu, your body is not healthy enough to fight. disease again.

Assoc.Prof. Tran Quang Binh (center) and Dr. Phan Thanh Toan (left) give advice to customers about corona infection.

Question: Most Vietbank staff currently have children and are of school age. While there are reports that women who are children are at low risk of infection, currently a 3-month-old baby is infected. Thus, in Viet Nam, the number of covid 19 infections has varied from elderly people with many underlying diseases to young men and women, now including children. What does that reflect about the severity of this disease?

Phan Thanh Toan, II, MD

As recommended by the Ministry of Health, Covid 19 can infect anyone, any age group. Currently, the most infected people are from 15 to 60 years old and the elderly have a background disease, the rate of complications and deaths will be higher in the young group. For pregnant women, the immune system is weaker than normal and therefore more vulnerable. The Ministry of Health also recommends that, if pregnant women should apply the measures to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, not only for covid 19 virus but also for other viruses. As recommended by the World Health Organization, everyone needs to apply the right precautions to these viruses.

Question: There is a lot of information that says that in places where temperatures are above 25 degrees the virus will be killed. So, do you have any recommendations for people working in the office for 8 hours, regularly exposed to air conditioning and if the air conditioner is opened above 25 degrees? In areas with low temperatures, it is advisable to use warming devices to prevent virus entry, in high temperature areas, it is recommended to sun, so how much sun exposure is enough?

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quang Binh

For normal viruses when exposed to light from 25 degrees or more, the virus will not survive for about 30 minutes to a few hours, the virus will die. However, at present there is no scientific evidence to say that covid 19 virus can live at a temperature of 25 degrees because for the living conditions of viruses, in addition to the temperature, it requires humidity, often the virus will develop in cold and dry season. Therefore, if we only apply a single condition of 25 degrees, it is not eligible and ensures that the virus will die in a temperature of 25 degrees. If office workers regularly sit in air-conditioned rooms with closed doors, the temperature should be above 25 degrees. However, there are no studies to guarantee that we will be protected when exposed to this temperature.

The best way we limit contact with people with respiratory illness in the same unit / office. Colleagues in the office should protect themselves by wearing a mask and washing their hands often. If possible we should open the window to have more sunshine and ventilation. It does not mean that if we go outside when we are exposed to the sun, we can avoid this virus.

Question: Any advice on daily activities, eating, exercising and exercising to enhance the resistance against corona epidemic?

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quang Binh

We should increase the intake of sufficient nutrients, protein, starch, minerals and vitamins. In addition, if a healthy person wants to prevent, we should increase physical exercise, physical activity to increase resistance to prevent disease.

Not only for the prevention of coronavirus, we just need to exercise, we need to practice every day, often even when there is no disease. Our body has a good immune system, good resistance can prevent many viruses. Especially we should limit the harmful agents such as tobacco, alcohol, ... should not be abused, sleep enough time, we ourselves have good health and no agents invade our body.

Questions: What are the positive updates on this epidemic and  the possibility of the disease being controlled?

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quang Binh

Not only people and health workers are also very worried. This epidemic greatly affects life and economy. However, we should not be overly anxious so that we are ultimately fearful, and then do nothing. However, we should not let our guard down so that we become infected. Therefore, our conduct must be proper, that is, when we arrive at a crowded place, we should voluntarily wear camouflage and keep a suitable distance. People with respiratory illness should not go to crowded places or we should know how to cover when we cough, remember to wash your hands in contact. Fortunately Vietnam is not an outbreak. Currently only Vinh Phuc is isolated, isolated to control. Hopefully, the upcoming warming, the warmer temperature conditions do not match the conditions of virus transmission, we will return to normal life. Scientists are also in the process of researching drugs and vaccines for us to prevent disease. The important thing we do is not be too worried or too subjective about the disease this time.

Questions: During the incubation period and no symptoms being shown, is there any way to check or recognize? - (Question on fanpage VietBank)

Phan Thanh Toan, II, MD

If you find yourself suspicious, you should think about epidemiological factors, for example, if you've just returned from an epidemic area (Wuhan for example) and have symptoms such as colds, coughs, or prolonged fever, you should go to Health department to be checked. But if we do not have contact with people from the epidemic area, we should not be too worried.

Measures: Isolate family members and go to health facilities for examination and treatment.

Question: In recent years, there have been many epidemics such as: Sars, H5N1, Mer-CoV and now Covid-19 .. What is the biggest lesson for mankind, should not destroy nature, environment, do not eat the wildlife, people won't fall into pandemics today? - (Question from VietBank, Hanoi Branch)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quang Binh

We know Sars 2012 - 2013 killed nearly 1,000 people. Next to Mer-coV, H5N1 and H1N1 flu. Vietnam is the country that makes H5N1 patients quite high. Besides, there are also H3N2, H7N9 ... This is a strain of influenza virus originating from animals, which then spreads to humans. We draw experience from the recent epidemic region with worldwide pandemics.

Sars or Mer-Cov originated from wildlife such as camels, civets ... When people kill wildlife, approach new animals that are infected. We should not destroy the environment, limit environmental damage including water and wildlife.

Research shows that bats contain a lot of coronavirus (in the subspecies of bats). Places where eating bat meat is highly likely to spread disease. So be careful with your environment.

Phan Thanh Toan, II, MD

Life in the world is constantly coping with challenges from the environment and epidemics. How to solve a pandemic:

  • Information transparency.
  • New outbreaks must be localized and extinguished quickly, and must be localized to avoid widespread epidemics.

Question: Why is the 13th case of infection in Vinh Phuc without symptoms of cough?

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quang Binh

When the virus invades each person has different ability to respond, different symptoms. Respiratory viral symptoms: fever, cough, runny nose, dry cough, muscle aches or possibly diarrhea. But there are some people who are transient symptoms, only slightly mild but still at risk of infection and infection for others. Not only does corona disease suffer from such an unclear symptom, there is no clinical manifestation but the disease is still present. The case in Vĩnh Phúc found the disease due to contact with people from the disease so the epidemiological factor is very important to screen and diagnose to avoid spreading before the disease is detected.

Therefore, when approaching the subjects, they should ask where they come from or if they come from the epidemic area to have a reasonable prevention and screening plan.

Question: Should I travel abroad during this outbreak?

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quang Binh:

The World Health Organization has also advised the best during the epidemic season that we should not go anywhere and if mandatory travel should not go to an epidemic area like China, or where there is an outbreak. If it is imperative for us to go to an epidemic-prone place, we should protect ourselves with the measures mentioned above: masks, distance of contact, hand washing, clean and hygienic personal hygiene. contact door handles, stair armrests ...

Avoid going to the place of selling wild animals, should eat boiled and drink boiled and it is best to ensure daily nutrition nutrition for resistance, good immune system.

Guests and doctors took photos with the General Directors of Vietbank.

Question: Due to the weather in Vietnam, especially in the north which is much less sunny, how long would Covid-19 live in natural weather condition?

Phan Thanh Toan, II, MD

For other viruses today, the fastest virus death from 40 to 60 degrees and temperatures of 25 degrees or more, the virus can survive for many hours. But for corona virus, there has been no research showing that this virus can multiply at ambient temperature. Besides, not only is the temperature weak, but it also depends on the humidity, the weather will be different and the weather will be dry. Maybe the same temperature but different humidity, the virus will also exist in different environments. So if we just base and each temperature is not enough basis but for hot temperatures the virus can not withstand more than a few hours.

There is currently no research to show how long corona virus can survive and when exposed to the environment. Different temperatures but different humidity viruses also exist at different times. Heat alone is not enough, but the virus cannot survive hot temperatures for more than a few hours.

Question: Can you provide us more information on the situation of receiving the suspected disease up to this point at City International Hospital and Gia An 115 Hospital. How are the two hospitals prepared for treatment? quarantine infected patients?

Phan Thanh Toan, II, MD

Currently, Gia An Hospital has 3 isolation rooms. Regarding the preparation of facilities is also very adequate, the leadership and the entire staff are very concerned about the prevention of corona disease to create a safe environment for patients as well as health workers.

Currently, the hospital has a health examination area for people with cough, fever and suspected infections according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. Up to now, many patients have come to the hospital for suspected covid 19 infection, but so far no positive cases have been found with covid 19.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quang Binh

At City International Hospital, when we received the first information from China infected, the hospital had the following warnings:

  • Train all staff to know about this disease and how to prevent it. Train health-care teams to use the right protective gear to protect themselves. Training for sanitation staff in disinfecting, disinfecting to ensure awakening for employees.
  • In terms of facilities, at present, our hospital has 10 rooms with negative pressure, meeting the standard, but for these rooms, there will be separate departments. For example, there is one room in the internal medicine department, there is one in the surgical department, there are three rooms in the recovery ward, and there is one in the emergency department.
  • We have also prepared a situation where if a lot of sick people come in and we can't move anywhere, we have an area of ​​10 beds, divided into 3 areas: the area with the patients. suspected disease, the patient area where the patient was sampled and the area where the patient was confirmed to have disease and completely isolated.
  • The hospital has set up a specialized clinic for suspicious patients, and for customers who come to the hospital, our staff will let customers wash their hands when entering the door, wearing masks for Patients with respiratory diseases and ask patients if contact, care for infected people, from the epidemic area to guide patients to the clinic for screening. If there are signs of doubt, we will proceed to take the patient to an isolation room in a separate path.
  • We have received a lot of cases of fever, cough, and flu, but so far, there have been no cases positive for coronary infection.

We deeply appreciate Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Quang Binh and Dr. Phan Thanh Toan for their time and contributions!

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: 

City International Hospital

  • Phone: (8428) 6280 3333, ext. 0
  • Address: No. 3, 17A Street, Binh Tri Dong B Ward, Binh Tan Dist. (Next to AEON Mall Binh Tan). Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Website: https://cih.com.vn/en/
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pharmacity Clinic (Managed by City International Hospital)

  • Clinic location: 44 Quoc Huong, Thao Dien, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Helpline: (028) 700 3350 - 093 357 6086
  • Clinic hours: 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
  • Consultation fee: 70,000 dong per visit. 

General disclaimer

 Always consult your doctor regarding any concern about your health. Your doctor will be in the best position to give the appropriate medical advice. For suspected undesirable drug reaction and seek medical attention immediately.