2020-03-30 03:05:33

Negative pressure isolation room is a method of isolation used in hospitals to prevent cross-contamination during an epidemic. The room is composed of 2 rooms including a separate ante room (decontamination room) and a treatment room.

What is a negative pressure room, different from a normal room?

The negative pressure room is a special isolation room used only for the treatment of serious cases, very high risk of infection built by hospitals to avoid cross-infection. This room is always lighted 24 hours. So, what's so special about the negative pressure room?

 The negative pressure room is a room with lower pressure around it, as the name implies. In this room, air can only enter from one side and cannot escape through that side. This means that the wind will always blow from the outside of the door.

 To maintain negative pressure in the room, it is designed with a monolithic ceiling, tight doors with a gap under the wing of about 1.27cm, faucets, electrical outlets, windows are all sealed.

 An inlet pump system will help reduce room pressure. The suction tube is usually located near the head of the hospital bed, closest to the patient's breath. This design makes it difficult for the patient's breath to reach the doctor's airways when they visit the patient's bedside.

Negative pressure room. Image: Internet.

 Air pollution in the room will be treated with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA), filtering viruses before being released out by ventilation systems. This design helps to reduce the spread of the virus, eliminating cross-airborne infection between patients.

 The HEPA filter system operates based on the diffusion and electrostatic suction mechanism that allows the capture of particles smaller than the gap size, 0.3 micrometers. The droplets of pathogens are usually dozens of micrometers or more, so HEPA filters can handle> 99.99% of air in the suction line from the negative pressure room. Viruses are stored on these membranes, they can die or die when the hospital technician disinfects the filter and renews it.

 Clean natural air is fed into the negative pressure room through the inlets. All the air in the room will be renewed every 5 minutes.

 In the negative pressure room there is a private toilet and it is also another negative pressure room. Here, the air can only go in but not out to ensure pathogens will not spread back out to the isolation room where the patient is located.

 Between the isolation chamber and the corridor there are also 2 small rooms (buffer rooms). The first cabin is where the health workers wear protective gear including waterproof clothing, surgical gloves, masks, shoes and hoods before entering the isolation room.

 After treating the patient, the medical staff will leave the isolation chamber with a second cushion. Here, clothes that have been in contact with the patient and surgical needles will be removed and burned.

The isolation room is designed with two layers of doors, cannot open both at the same time and when one door is open, the other door must be closed.

 Photo of isolation room at City International Hospital.

Negative pressure isolation room has a monitor system connected to the outside with parameters of oxygen concentration, breathing rate, heart rate ... of the patient. When needed, patients and physicians can talk via phone.

CIH's isolating room is fully equipped with emergency tools and equipment.

 Currently, City International Hospital has not had a case of corona virus infection. However, the hospital is always fully equipped with equipment, negative pressure rooms and screening and disease prevention according to the general procedure of the Department of Health. So, you can be assured of medical examination and treatment.

 Source: Popular news aggregator websites

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

City International Hospital

  • Address: No. 3, 17A Street, Binh Tri Dong B Ward, Binh Tan Dist. (Next to AEON Mall Binh Tan). Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Operator: (+8428) 6280 3333, ext. 0
  • 24/7 Emergency: (+8428) 6290 1155
  • Website: https://cih.com.vn/en/
  • Fan page: https://www.facebook.com/BenhVienQuocTeCity/
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.