2020-04-20 07:59:10

What other causes of illness from our own body? Advances in genetic engineering have become extremely important to help us understand health and prevent disease more effectively, more proactively and sooner. Each human cell nucleus contains 23 pairs of chromosomes made up of two long DNA molecules.

Parts of these molecules, known as genes, contain a code to guide cells to grow, function and renew themselves. They will identify each person's unique characteristics such as eye color, hair color, or right or left handed. When there are changes in the genetic code, it can lead to many different diseases.

Genetic screening tests help detect diseases with genetic risk such as heart disease and cancer.

Heart disease

Some heart diseases pass from parents to their children, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. If someone in the family has a heart condition, or a history of sudden death from a sudden cardiac arrest, relatives will need genetic testing to check their risk for possible similarities.

Genetic screening can help detect inherited heart disease in people with a family history of heart disease, although there are no symptoms. This screening helps them detect early and if so, will be monitored and intervened in time. If gene test results prove that they are not at risk, regular monitoring and testing will not be necessary. This test, thus, not only saves the lives of patients, but also saves money in unnecessary situations.


Cancer caused by gene mutations is divided into two types. Acquired gene mutations are most common and occur during exposure to a number of environmental factors such as tobacco, ultraviolet radiation and age. Some other cancers, accounting for 5 to 10 percent, are caused by germline cell mutations that are inherited from generation to generation through cells in the body. At some point, these cells grow out of control and form malignant tumors.

Recent advances in medicine and surgery than ever before have helped many patients be cured of cancer. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of cancer diseases has been increasingly focused. An important part of this is genetic testing to determine the risk of cancer of the ovaries, breast, thyroid, and colon.

While it is not possible to say whether you are certain or not develop cancer, at least you will know how long you need to have a checkup and lifestyle adjustment to reduce the risk of cancer. . It also provides you with information about whether or not you can pass those mutant genes to your children.

Advances in genetic engineering help prevent disease more effectively, proactively and earlier.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is closely related to environmental factors such as prolonged exposure to chemicals or dust, air pollution, and passive smoking. In particular, the most common cause is smoking, with 8/10 cases of COPD caused by direct smoking.

However, one in six people with COPD never smoke and many of them have a genetic condition called AAT deficiency. Due to an abnormally produced protein in liver cells, this affects the balance of some vital functions and leads to lung and liver damage.

Genetic testing helps detect this abnormality and helps assess whether the condition is inherited to the next generation. Because there are many ways to effectively treat AAT deficiency, early diagnosis will help prevent and control the disease better. Genetic testing also helps to assess risk for the rest of the family.


Stroke has been confirmed to be greatly influenced by lifestyle such as smoking, lack of exercise and unhealthy diet leading to the accumulation of blood fat on the walls of blood vessels, leading to local blockages or fragments burst drift and cause obstruction in other places.

However, genetically, many genetic abnormalities can also lead to strokes and are believed to contribute up to 50 percent to an individual's risk. For example, a very high level of bad cholesterol in a person will put them in danger. For some, this will be the result of unhealthy diets and lifestyles, but for many, it's genetic because it's not just the cholesterol that rises because of us but our bodies. I also produce it.

Genetic testing helps us detect genes that cause high cholesterol early, which helps us prevent the risk of stroke early. Moreover, genetic testing helps early detection in later generations and helps these generations to take initiative in prevention early.


We still think that pneumonia is caused by a bacteria or virus, but few people think pneumonia is a genetic condition triggered. In fact, pneumonia can be an indicator of a potential genetic disorder, especially in people who often suffer from and suffer from prolonged episodes. Genetics is also related to many factors such as nutrition, metabolism, allergies, tolerance or drug reactions.

Medical findings suggest a more direct link between genes and nutrition. A disease can occur when a gene is faulty. In addition, food and medicine have long been proven to support each other, even in the treatment of serious illnesses like cancer. A good diet helps stabilize the AND chain. In other words, what we eat can cause disease or prevent harmful gene mutations that then risk disease.

Just as diet can affect gene activity, our genes can affect the body's metabolism. Pathology will arise when this metabolism is out of balance. Therefore, hundreds of metabolic disorders, such as obesity, can be treated and prevented well if detected and diagnosed early.

Allergy is a very common pathology. One of the conditions related to allergies is asthma. This pathology has been noted to be related to genetics in relation to the environment, depending on the balance between allergies and humans. Hundreds of related genes were recorded. Although the discovery of these genes does not completely prevent allergy but at least helps to limit the risks that patients face.

Along with advances in medicine, genetic medicine also plays an important role in the goal of preventing drug side effects and optimizing the use of drugs to treat the disease.

For example, some patients with certain mutations are at risk of serious reactions to certain medications, such as carbamazepine anticonvulsants, which are often used in epilepsy patients, especially in Southeast Asia. The risk of this reaction can be so severe that it's life-threatening and fortunately, we can detect it through this mutation gene test.

Genetic testing also helps determine the individual's metabolic activity against drugs commonly used to treat common conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and so on. The treating physician will select the right medication for each patient.

The application of genome testing in this treatment mode selection is one of the typical examples of a rapidly emerging and rapidly developing, accurate medicine.


Package Type Package Price (VND)

City Care Standard


City Care Silver 


City Care Gold (Age ≤ 40)

City Care Gold (Age > 40)



City Care Platinum (Lady)

City Care Platinum (Man) 



City Care Diamond (Lady)

City Care Diamond (Man)



Pediatric General Screening (Standard)


Pediatric General Screening (Advanced)


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City International Hospital

  • Address: No. 3, 17A Street, Binh Tri Dong B Ward, Binh Tan Dist. (Next to AEON Mall Binh Tan). Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Operator: (+8428) 6280 3333, ext. 0
  • 24/7 Emergency: (+8428) 6290 1155
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 Always consult your doctor regarding any concern about your health. Your doctor will be in the best position to give the appropriate medical advice. For suspected undesirable drug reaction and seek medical attention immediately.