2019-12-02 04:32:11

Varicose veins are very common in people over 40. The disease manifests itself faintly, its progression is gradual, so the patient is still subjective. The following are frequently asked questions shared and answered by vascular surgeons.

Progressive stages of varicose veins of the legs

The world has divided the stages of varicose veins into 7 stages, calculated from stage 0 to stage 6 according to the severity of the disease.

- Stage 0: the early stage of the disease, the legs look normal. There are mild symptoms, vague, difficult to detect, such as swollen legs, numbness of the feet, tired legs, heavy calf muscles, feeling of crawling along the legs, night cramps.

- Stage 1: The vein may be slightly stretched under the feet, the net form seen on the legs.

- Stage 2: veins may zigzag under the skin.

- Stage 3: includes symptoms of stage 2, accompanied by leg edema.

- Stage 4: change the color of the skin on the feet like the lower legs and ankles. Swelling of the legs, eczema

- Stage 5: skin dystrophy, edema of the legs, leg ulcers but the scar has healed.

- Stage 6: skin dystrophy, ulcer progression.

Varicose veins, when advanced to the advanced stage, can cause infections, pulmonary embolism, etc.

Examination of varicose veins free of charge on Tuesday, FRIDAY every week.

Diagnosis of varicose veins 

Functional symptoms:

  • The feeling of tired feet, especially in the afternoon.
  • Swelling in the ankles, usually in the ankle area, after a day of work, decreases with the foot high.
  • Other symptoms include a stinging sensation in the leg, cramping at night, and restless legs.

Physical symptoms:

For patients standing on a high platform, examinees pay close attention

  • Signs of edema, one or both sides, symmetrical or not.
  • Palpate to assess strength in the lower extremities, especially in the calves.
  • Visible dilatation of zigzag veins under skin.
  • Skin changes due to skin metabolism, necrosis of skin tissues (eczema, skin ulcers)
  • Tap test - Schwartz test - wave test: This test is to determine the presence of visible venous valve failure.
  • Cough test (cough test): Determination of visible venous valve failure - thigh.
  • Trendelenburg test: determination of frequent venous valve insufficiency, major venous insufficiency.


  • Color doppler ultrasound.
  • Measurement of venous capacity during exercise.
  • Contrast vein scan
  • Color doppler ultrasound helps doctors observe blood vessels, screen and diagnose varicose veins of the legs.

Can deep vein valve failure be detected early?

People can detect their own illnesses such as the symptoms I mentioned above such as the feeling of standing for a long time with the feeling of tired legs, heavy legs, and swollen legs. In aggravating stage, there are signs of skin color change, leg edema for a long time without signs of decline, and skin ulcers must be examined for treatment.

People who are aware of these signs should see a vascular specialist for appropriate treatment.

Which method is preferred treatment of varicose veins

There are many treatments for varicose veins of the leg, usually using medication (medical treatment) to preserve uncomplicated varicose veins. Includes: Medications: Anti-inflammatory, venous support, veins, anticoagulant. Compression bandages: medical socks, spandex, pressure machine Physical therapy.

In addition, procedures and surgery are also applied to the treatment of varicose veins. Include: Direct intervention methods such as Expressive vein ablation using a vein drawstring called Stripping method. Removing a local varicose veins (microplebectomy) with the name Muller method. Intravascular intervention methods such as Fibroscopic injecting method Intravenous radio frequency (RFA) intervention: venous size <12mm. Intra venous laser method: Vein size <18mm.

The best methods of varicose veins are usually sports, swimming or yoga. If the stage is more severe, interventions are needed for treatment, as in the past, the surgeon will open the surgery to open the varicose veins.

But nowadays, with the development of medicine, patients can apply laser surgery, using thermotherapy to burn varicose veins, providing absolute efficiency. After applying this new method, patients can return to normal activities.

What are the complications if You Don't Treat Varicose Veins?

If left untreated, it can lead to conditions such as foot ulcers, infections or severe infections that require limb amputations.


- Early stage disease: Patients feel tight, heavy and tired in the lower limbs when standing for a long time, may have mild edema in the legs - feet at the end of the working day, rest is edematous.

- Severe stage disease: Frequent feeling of numbness in the leg, skin itching in the hurt area, severe pain in the foot when walking. Symptoms of edema do not go away with rest. Skin lesions caused by dystrophy such as dermatitis, scleroderma, ulcers ...


- Deep system overload causes deep venous insufficiency, such as superficial thrombophlebitis: thrombosis forms in the veins due to stagnation. Hemorrhage due to venous rupture is usually due to trauma.

- Skin changes, such as lipodermatoslerosis: is the process of gradual fibrosis of the skin and subcutaneous fat layer. White atrophy: is a typical change in patients with venous insufficiency. Indigo. Leg ulcers.

Prevention of varicose veins of the leg

- Need to create a habit of maintaining a healthy lifestyle such as regular exercise, reasonable diet, ... varicose veins can then change the work to avoid standing longer to make the disease worse.

- Enhancing exercise, swimming sports is the best method for veins, Voga

- When traveling on trains and airplanes for a long time, it is necessary to create a comfortable sitting position, sometimes it is necessary to travel for circulation. So, about 1-2 hours, should get up and walk around, stretching the leg muscles.

- Do not soak in hot feet because when hot relaxes blood vessels worse.

- Drink enough water, maintain a reasonable weight, a diet high in fiber.

- Identify signs of disease to prevent: swelling, redness, pain, or change in color on foot skin should see a specialist.

- This varicose veins dilate when it is hot, so limit foot baths in hot water. When taking a hot shower in the shower, limit standing. Should sit or bath in the tub.

Notice of medical stockings for varicose veins

Medical stockings are a supportive method for varicose veins. The first stage support stockings for people with varicose veins when standing for long periods of fatigue or feeling heavy legs, especially those who have a lot of work to stand, to limit the amount of blood stasis in the legs causing swelling If left untreated, there will be foot ulcers. Therefore, medical socks are used in case of work, when taking a break can be removed. Prevention of varicose veins should wear socks rather than waiting for swollen feet.

In the evening, when sleeping, patients do not need to wear and can raise their legs higher, about 10-20cm compared to the position they lie. Socks should only be worn when standing or sitting.

To choose a suitable pair of socks should choose socks fit feet, not too wide. Because wide socks does not support treatment. If choosing tight socks, the feeling of compressing the legs will make the patient uncomfortable. Therefore, patients need to measure socks to fit their feet. For example, people with large bodies should choose large size socks, small people will choose smaller socks.

Source Alobacsi

The Vascular Center specialists emphasize that although varicose veins are not life-threatening, but if the disease is serious, the risk of complications is very high. Therefore, although there are no obvious symptoms of varicose veins, people should also have free screening every Tuesday, Friday morning at the Vascular Department (2nd Floor) of City International Hospital.

Free VND 400,000 consultation at Vascular Center (Applied until December 31, 2019).
Call now 0987.853.793 for appointment and discount

Free VND 400,000 consultation at Vascular Center (Applied until December 31, 2019).

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

City International Hospital

  • Address: No. 3, 17A Street, Binh Tri Dong B Ward, Binh Tan Dist. (Next to AEON Mall Binh Tan). Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Operator: (+8428) 6280 3333, ext. 0
  • 24/7 Emergency: (+8428) 6290 1155
  • Website: https://cih.com.vn/en/
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 Always consult your doctor regarding any concern about your health. Your doctor will be in the best position to give the appropriate medical advice. For suspected undesirable drug reaction and seek medical attention immediately.