2019-10-25 03:40:36

Kidney failure (chronic kidney disease) is a serious disease and has a high mortality rate, but many people lack knowledge about it so it cannot be detected and treated early. Misconceptions about kidney failure will contribute to an increased risk of disease in society today.

Kidney failure is called silent killer because the symptoms of the disease are often difficult to identify. Patients only know they have it when their kidney disease has worsened. However, if you have symptoms of swelling of the ankles, arms, shortness of breath, bloody urination, prolonged fatigue, and lower back pain, you should see an early doctor as this could be an early warning sign of kidney failure.

 The cause of kidney failure

 According to Dr. Charlie Tomson, a renal specialist at Newcastle Hospital, kidney failure can be caused by many factors such as hypertension, diabetes, urinary tract infections, prostate cancer, and certain types. However, renal failure usually stems from two main causes: Acute glomerulonephritis and hypertension (long-term or excessive pressure that causes glomerular damage).

Kidney disease can not be treated?

Kidney failure is a silent disease, but if detected and treated promptly, early detection can help prevent kidney failure worsening and treatment will be easier, avoiding kidney dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Kidney failure has level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, level 5. Level 5 is kidney failure in the last stage, just conducted dialysis. Note that the progression from stage 1 to end depends on whether or not the patient has conservative treatment. If treatment is well preserved, progress slowly.

If you have kidney disease, do you need dialysis?

Not all people diagnosed with kidney failure have dialysis. Only patients with grade 5 kidney failure must undergo dialysis or hemodialysis. Normally, our kidneys filter blood, remove hazardous waste products and excess fluid, and pass it through the urine. However, if you have kidney failure, your kidneys may not be able to do this effectively, and therefore, dialysis may support this process.

Only the elderly will have kidney disease

Kidney failure is a common disease associated with aging. The older you get, the higher your risk of getting the disease. However, at present, kidney failure is gradually rejuvenating.

Kidney failure can be cured 

Despite the great progress of medicine in many areas, there is currently no method to completely treat chronic kidney failure. However, if unfortunately there is chronic kidney failure, especially when the disease is detected at an early stage, with rigorous monitoring, management, appropriate activities, the progress of chronic kidney failure may be delayed. again and can prevent adverse complications on the organs and on the long-term prognosis of patients. When level 5 kidney failure, patients can only transplant or dialysis.

Urinary tract infection causes kidney failure

Urinary tract infections or urinary tract infections occur when bacteria enter the bladder or kidney and multiply and then cause infections in the urine, eventually seriously affecting each organ of the urinary system. Urinary tract infections are common in women. Any part of the urinary system can be infected, from the kidneys, ureters to the bladder and urethra.

The consequence of a urinary tract infection is the possibility of causing cystitis, even to the extreme extent it can cause kidney infections that cause kidney infections, if left untreated it can lead to a series of health problems such as hypertension, kidney failure and sepsis - where infection enters the bloodstream is dangerous. However, if the urinary tract infection is treated early, the patient will not have kidney damage and won't have kidney problems.

Experience Dialysis without using a dialysis filter

Hemodialysis Center of City International Hospital also applies regular health insurance card for patients of artificial kidney Unit at City International Hospital for outpatient and inpatient treatment. The rate of normal access is 100%; 95%; 80% (depending on the subject on the prescribed health insurance card code) on the health insurance price bracket. Currently, the maximum limit provided by the health insurance for a dialysis is VND 543,000. The program lasts until December 31, 2019.

Customers assured hemodialysis at City International Hospital

  • Commitment not to reuse the filter for hepatitis patients.
  • Using the new generation Xevonta Hi filter for the best dialysis performance today.
  • Ultra-pure dialysis with Diacap Ultra filter.
  • GE water treatment system - USA. The quality of dialysis water according to AAMI (USA) standard is tested every 3 months.
  • Use a dialysis machine specifically for patients with hepatitis.

Preferential policy for patients on dialysis

  • Discount 30% for the next 3 dialysis sessions.
  • Dialysis patients 10 times will be free 1 dialysis.
  • Many benefits when buying dialysis packages by year.

For more information regarding dialysis, please contact us by calling (+84) 902 483 718.

 City International Hospital

  • Operator: (8428) 6280 3333, ext. 0
  • Address: No. 3, 17A Street, Binh Tri Dong B Ward, Binh Tan Dist. (Next to AEON Mall Binh Tan). Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Website: https://cih.com.vn/en/
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  • FB page: https://www.facebook.com/BenhVienQuocTeCity


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