2019-10-23 07:35:05

Proper nutrition helps preserve kidney function, helps prevent complications of chronic kidney disease or exacerbation of chronic kidney failure, and contributes to slow progression to end-stage chronic kidney failure.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose foods that suit the nutritional needs of patients with chronic renal failure who are not on dialysis.

What foods should be chosen

  • Carbohydrate: low-protein starch such as white milled rice, vermicelli, tapioca, sweet potato, taro, rice noodles, noodles, ... Patients with chronic renal failure accompanied by diabetes, choose foods with low, medium sugar index: taro, rice noodles, banh canh, spring rolls, sweet potato ...
  • Protein: should eat a variety, pay attention to high biological value protein (meat, fish, milk, eggs). If patients with dyslipidemia should eat eggs 3 fruits / week, every other day, beef 1-2 times / week, fish turn (salmon, extract, scad ...) 2 times / week ... The amount of food depends on the degree of kidney failure, renal failure stage 3b-4, protein intake often halved compared to the protein diet of normal people (100 - 120g meat (fish) / day).
  • Fat: choose vegetable oil (sesame oil, soy, olive ...), fish fat.
  • Vegetables, fruits: The stage of mild chronic kidney disease (GFR glomerular filtration rate ≥ 60) can eat a variety of vegetables, fruits are green, red, yellow, purple ... Patients with diabetes should choose fruits with low glycemic index, average: apples, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit ... with the amount depending on the level of blood potassium.
  • Water: Based on the balance of export and import water, it should be adjusted when there is a decrease in the amount of urine, edema, heart failure.
  • Spices: Choose foods low in salt, should read food labels before buying.

Dr. Duong Thi Thanh Tam is helping patient's dialysis process be gentle, effective and comfortable.

Food should be limited

  • Limit foods high in potassium (for patients with severe renal impairment with reduced urine output or increased potassium / blood): raisins, dried bananas, dragon fruit, avocado ..., dark green leafy vegetables (shrimps, jute vegetables, spinach, water spinach, etc.), dried lotus seeds, cat mushrooms, beans.
  • Patients with diabetes should limit foods with high glycemic index: white bread, potatoes, red dragon blood rice, cornflakes, vermicelli, sweet confectionery ...)
  • Limit harmful fats: foods high in cholesterol, saturated fat: egg yolks, butter, cheese, fat, liver, heart ...), coconut oil.
  • Limit foods that are high in phosphorus: dried shrimp, egg yolks, shiitake mushrooms, soybeans, dried lotus seeds, beef ...
  • Limit foods high in sodium: fish sauce, dried fish, dried shrimp, salt duck seeds, bread, instant noodles, chips ...
  • Do not drink too much water, as this will make the body more edged, blood pressure difficult to control; At the same time, if the kidney disease is early stage, the patient will urinate more, especially at night causing difficulty sleeping.

Experience Dialysis without using a dialysis filter

Hemodialysis Center of City International Hospital also applies regular health insurance card for patients of artificial kidney Unit at City International Hospital for outpatient and inpatient treatment. The rate of normal access is 100%; 95%; 80% (depending on the subject on the prescribed health insurance card code) on the health insurance price bracket. Currently, the maximum limit provided by the health insurance for a dialysis is VND 543,000. The program lasts until December 31, 2019.

Customers assured hemodialysis at City International Hospital

  • Commitment not to reuse the filter for hepatitis patients.
  • Using the new generation Xevonta Hi filter for the best dialysis performance today.
  • Ultra-pure dialysis with Diacap Ultra filter.
  • GE water treatment system - USA. The quality of dialysis water according to AAMI (USA) standard is tested every 3 months.
  • Use a dialysis machine specifically for patients with hepatitis.

Preferential policy for patients on dialysis

  • Discount 30% for the next 3 dialysis sessions.
  • Dialysis patients 10 times will be free 1 dialysis.
  • Many benefits when buying dialysis packages by year.

For more information regarding dialysis, please contact us by calling (+84) 902 483 718.

 City International Hospital

  • Operator: (8428) 6280 3333, ext. 0
  • Address: No. 3, 17A Street, Binh Tri Dong B Ward, Binh Tan Dist. (Next to AEON Mall Binh Tan). Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Website: https://cih.com.vn/en/
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