2018-08-06 07:17:47

"Patients with asthma, when encountering psychological agitation such as fear, anxiety, anger ... will stress nerves, make asthma flare-ups, easily lead to death", according to doctors Le Quoc Tu City International Hospital.

What is asthma?

Asthma, also known as bronchial asthma (Asthma) is a medical condition of the respiratory system that obstructs the airways due to inflammation or abnormal muscle contraction in the trachea and bronchi. The lining of these tubes is irritated and secretes white mucous cells into the trachea, causing the trachea to narrow. In some patients, this condition occurs in response to triggers such as cold air, dust, pollen, exercise, or cigarette smoke. The severity of symptoms varies widely depending on the location of the patient.

The cause to the illness

There are 3 most common reasons for asthma in humans and there are different treatment options for each case:

  • Inflammation: The first and most important factor that narrows the lumen of the bronchi. Inflammation occurs in response to the presence of allergens or irritants. The bronchi will be red, edematous. Inflammatory tissues secrete too much mucus, causing congestion in the lumen of the bronchi.
  • Bronchospasm: The muscles surrounding the bronchi contract during an acute attack, causing the airways to narrow.
  • Overreaction (Hypersensitivity): In patients with bronchial asthma, the airways are constricted and chronic inflammation becomes more sensitive, reacting more strongly to allergens, irritants, infection.

Signs and symptoms

Symptoms are common in patients with asthma as follows:

  • Fast breathing: As the first and most common asthma symptom, the sufferer will show signs of rapid breathing, shortness of breath, especially when heavy exercise such as climbing hills, climbing stairs or carrying heavy loads, breathing continuously. 
  • Wheezing: This is the symptoms that appear at night and during sleep. The patient will emit a wheezing, hissing sound when breathing.
  • Difficulty breathing: The patient has shortness of breath and often has difficulty breathing, when sitting and standing, it is necessary to use the hand to support the chest and then open the mouth to breathe rapidly.
  • Cough: Almost all respiratory diseases will have cough symptoms, in asthmatic people the cough may last longer, coughing more at night and in the morning when it is cold or in winter. when the weather is dry.
  • Chest tightness: This is the symptom that appears with the above symptoms. When you cough, or when you breathe out, your chest feels heavy, like something is on.


  • The principle in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases in general and bronchial asthma in particular is that the pathogens need to be excluded. In addition, the unfortunate subjects also need to maintain health, strengthen the immune system to be able to resist the onset of asthma.
  • Specifically, when going to the street, it is necessary to wear a mask to avoid being affected by dust and tiny microorganisms in the polluted atmosphere that can enter the respiratory system. It is important to avoid exposure to tobacco smoke to avoid irritation of the respiratory tract mucosa, to avoid contact with pet hair, scales or skin, and not to let them enter the respiratory tract.
  • Always keep your body warm when the weather changes or becomes cold. Also need to be cautious when using medications, it is necessary to adhere to the regimen set by the doctor. Absolutely not buy drugs and use randomly to avoid unfortunate consequences and complications that may occur to the health and life of the user.

Treatment of asthma

  • Medicines used to treat asthma are divided into two categories: reliever medications and preventive medications.
    The main reliever medications are those that take away asthma attacks quickly. These drugs work within a few minutes to provide quick relief from asthma symptoms. Currently, the most commonly used drug is the beta 2, rapid-acting, inhaled sympathomimetic group (RAIBA = Rapid Acting Inhaled Beta 2 Agonist).
  • Asthma prophylaxis are inhalers that contain corticosteroids or long-acting bronchodilators. Patients can use a combination of these drugs to improve the effectiveness of treatment.
    All people with asthma should have on hand at all times in their person an asthma preventive medicine or an asthma reliever inhaler so they are ready to use as soon as they see symptoms appear. When used regularly and adequately, asthma prophylaxis reduces airway spasm and inflammation. Therefore, asthma prophylaxis should be used long-term, even for life if asthma is asthma.


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

City International Hospital

  • Address: No. 3, 17A Street, Binh Tri Dong B Ward, Binh Tan Dist. (Next to AEON Mall Binh Tan). Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Operator: (+8428) 6280 3333, ext. 0
  • 24/7 Emergency: (+8428) 6290 1155
  • Website: https://cih.com.vn/en/
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 Always consult your doctor regarding any concern about your health. Your doctor will be in the best position to give the appropriate medical advice. For suspected undesirable drug reaction and seek medical attention immediately.