2021-01-22 04:07:18

NBI (Narrow Banding Imaging) has made a breakthrough in the screening and diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases, especially cancer, at an early and very early stage.

City International Hospital applied NBI endoscopy technology - narrow light band, flexible bronchoscopy, helping the patient to be painless and comfortable.

NBI narrow band endoscopy technique was developed by OLYMPUS - Japan. This NBI technology allows viewing of tissues with greater detail by simulating tissue staining. This technique uses light of a certain color range to achieve the best contrast of the image of the tissue and mucosa.

Thereby, it is possible to reproduce the most detailed abnormal changes in the structure on the surface of the mucosa and the network of blood vessels located in the mucosa. The two-band narrow light band mode in NBI that is blue (390-445 mm) and green (530-550 mm) is strongly absorbed by Hemoglobin.

With this advantage, endoscopes using NBI technology have an absolute advantage in detecting, diagnosing and monitoring cancer early based on the smallest changes in the mucosa and tissue structure and upper blood vessels. surface.

City International Hospital is equipped with the most modern flexible endoscope system of Olympus - Japan. Narrow Banding Imaging (NBI) Narrow Banding Imaging (NBI) endoscopy has made a breakthrough in the screening and diagnosis of gastrointestinal (esophageal, gastric, duodenal, colon, rectal) cancers. ) in an early stage and in a very early stage. NBI endoscopy images have high resolution and contrast, making it easy to detect small changes in color, morphology of cancerous and precancerous lesions that are difficult to detect by conventional endoscopy. Standard treatment techniques, ensuring the safety and quality of treatment for patients.

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Promotion Information

City International Hospital offers a discount ??% on afternoon endoscopy procedure, applied from ?? / ?? / ????-?? / ?? / ????.

Consultation hotline 0906 48 31 34

Exam time:

- Morning: from 7: 30-11: 30

- Afternoon: From 13:00 to 16:30

- Monday to Friday and Saturday morning.


For any further information about medical services provided by City International Hospital,  please contact:  

General disclaimer

 Always consult your doctor regarding any concern about your health. Your doctor will be in the best position to give the appropriate medical advice. For suspected undesirable drug reaction and seek medical attention immediately.