2019-02-13 08:24:51

13 February 2019
Tet holidays overeating can result in unwanted GI issues. Read on for your current symptoms, plus tips to avoid similar problems in the future. (Health News on Zing)

The holidays may be the most wonderful time of the year, but for those with digestive problems they can also be the most difficult time of year. As we gather with friends and family, we snack all day on tasty appetizers, enjoy festive cocktails, include wine with dinner, and cook multi-course meals that include grandma’s favorite Vietnamese sugar-sticky rice cake, braised pork with eggs, stuffed-bitter melon soup, Vietnamese style sausages ...

Overindulging with not-so-healthy foods and alcohol, you not only gain weight, you can also overtax your digestive system as well as lose sleep and contribute to digestive issues.

‘Tis the season to celebrate. Think before you drink. Photo: Pixabay.

Digestive Grinch: Alcohol

Toasting the season is a holiday tradition, but what’s in your glass could bring stomach pain instead of good cheer. Dr Do Duc Tin says “On its own, alcohol can irritate the GI tract and trigger heartburn. It also lowers your defenses, increasing the chances you'll make bad food choices.  Some people with digestive concerns find that drinking alcohol can trigger more discomfort. Alcohol can relax the muscle that keeps food in the stomach, resulting in heartburn. Some people report rectal pain or diarrhea after imbibing — know that certain types of alcohol and IBS really don’t mix if you tend to be gassy. The bubbles in champagne and beer can cause more stomach pain, bloating, and gas, so it’s better to choose a beverage with less fizz.”

One beer can pack 175 calories, a glass of wine weighs in at 160, and that perennial favorite egg nog tops out at 223. You don’t have to be a teetotaler during the holidays. Just sip lightly, slowly, and choose lower calorie drinks. Absolutely No drinking and driving.

Tips to manage your digestive problems during the holiday season. Photo: Pixabay.

Digestive Grinch: Big Holiday Meals

During January and February, ’tis the season for overeating. But keeping a lid on large, fatty meals can help keep heartburn (acid reflux) and stomach pain from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) at bay, says Dr. Do Duc Tin, MD, Health Screening Specialist at City International Hospital. He explains that a large amount of food sitting in your stomach can make acid reflux more likely, especially if you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Dr. Tin’s advice is to pace yourself at the holiday table and be selective to avoid stomach pain. Know what triggers your digestive problems and try to avoid those foods and beverages for less holiday stress on your system. One of the main digestive problems during the holidays is a lack of fiber at the dinner table. Choose to include foods in your holiday feasts that are naturally rich in fiber such as broccoli, green beans, pickles, beets, berries, bananas, sweet potatoes, artichokes and even nuts and seeds. Another benefit of fiber is that it can help to lower blood sugar by slowing the absorption of sugar into the blood stream. Eat the foods in small portions so that you don’t put unnecessary stress on your digestive system. Your gastrointestinal tract and your weight will thank you.

This year, break the holiday tradition of digestive issues. Enjoy your holiday free from bloating, gas, stomach pain, constipation and diarrhea. Increase your fiber intake this holiday season, drink lots of water, eat mindfully and slowly and move your body to feel good and prevent digestive issues.

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