2020-03-25 09:03:00

Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care, every year parents need to prepare their children well both psychologically and overall health so that they are physically and mentally ready for the upcoming term.

In fact, many parents are negligent with the health check for children because they think that children have new signs of illness need to see a doctor. But in fact, when children integrate into the collective "life", there are many potential diseases, epidemics such as influenza, hand, foot and mouth, ...

Common diseases in children

Parents should take their baby for a general health examination and vaccination to avoid the following common diseases:

  • Respiratory diseases: including viral pharyngitis, bronchitis, upper / lower respiratory infections ... causes sudden fever for a few days, sneezing, stuffy nose, watery eyes, sore throat, cough ... If only infection due to a virus will go away after 4-5 days. Need to monitor because the disease or progression to pneumonia is dangerous in a short time.
  • Flu: Because the virus is spread through the air, or in direct contact with an infected person, causes a stuffy nose, runny nose, fever, headache ... If the fever is high, seek medical attention immediately because it is prone to serious complications. respiratory hazard.
  • Viral infection: The outstanding feature of the disease is a sudden high fever over 39 degrees Celsius continuously. Using antipyretics, the body temperature decreases for a while and then rises again. Accompanied by a rash, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea. The virus infection is usually acute, children get fever after 3-5 days, and get better slowly.
  • Meningitis with pus: Very dangerous because of symptoms similar to sore throat, pneumonia, diarrhea ... making many mothers easily confused. Children can have high fever, runny nose, cough, diarrhea, vomiting ... The disease is only effectively treated at an early stage.

At this stage, children are susceptible to respiratory diseases.

  •  Hand, foot and mouth disease: August - September is the time of hand, foot and mouth disease in season. Children may have a transient mild fever, or high fever 39 - 40oC, fatigue, poor appetite, sore throat ... and erythema nodules appear about 2mm in the mouth, skin palms, soles of the feet, sometimes in the buttocks , Leg. The disease is contagious, and if it is not cared for and treated properly, complications can lead to death.
  • Ocular infections: Back-to-school season is a time when outbreaks of pinkeye or recurrence are very contagious. Teach children not to rub eyes, not to share personal belongings (towels, shirts, pillows ...), small daily saline drops.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases: Boards, chalks, rags ... and habits of wiping the nose, biting nails, picking up food ... without washing hands, or washing hands without soap ... are very susceptible to digestive diseases. chemistry. The habit of eating junk food outside the school gate makes it easy for children to have food poisoning and digestive disorders.
  • Rash fever: If the illness is caused by the measles virus called scarlet fever, the disease caused by rubella virus is also called rubella. Fever spreads through the airways, making children tired, headache, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, nasopharyngeal mucosa may appear small spots of bleeding. Two swollen and painful lymph nodes on the sides of the neck. Young skin appears small red spots on the face, then spread to the whole body and limbs.


 Screening tests include Standard Package Advanced Package
Medical consultation x x
ENT consult  x x
Eye consult  x x
Pediatric consult - 1st visit  x x
Blood tests    
Full blood count x x
Blood group: ABO, Rh: Determination 1 x x
Diabetes screening    
Fasting blood glucose x x
Kidney function tests    
Serum BUN x x
Serum Creatinine x x
Liver function tests    
AST (Aspartate aminotransferase) x x
ALT (Alanine aminotransferase) x x
GGT (Gamma Glutamyl transferase) x x
Serum Bilirubin ( total, direct, and indirect) x x
Alkalin phosphatase x x
Electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca++) x x
Urine Analysis     
Urinalysis x x
Hepatitis screening    
HBs Ab (EIA)   x
HBs Ag (EIA)    x
HCV, AB (EIA)   x
Other screening    
Feces fresh smear for parasitic finding x x
IgE   x
RIDA qLINE ALLERGY for chidren (panel 4 quantitative)    x
Thyroid function tests    
TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) x x
Diagnostic Radiology    
Abdomal ultrasound  x x
Price (VND) 2,750,000 4,350,000

Screening (along with physical examination) is an important part of preventive health care in infants and children.

What do parents need to do for children?


 Vaccination fully and on schedule is the best way to help children prevent disease. In addition, immunization will bring children significant benefits when faced with many risks of disease, protecting those around, protection from infectious diseases, helping the body to fight against harmful agents, ...

 Currently, City International Hospital has a full list of vaccines for children such as: Influenza, hepatitis A, HPV, meningitis, Japanese encephalitis, etc. here. 

Refraction Test:

 Children (from 6 to 15 years old) have refractive errors from 25-40% in urban areas, 10-15% in rural areas. This means that about 3 million children with refractive errors need corrective lenses.

 According to the City Eye Hospital Doctors, in children, there are 3 refractive errors: nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism; among them, the most common nearsightedness usually occurs at school age. Therefore, children need to have an early eye examination to detect refractive errors and correct glasses. If the glasses are adjusted properly, the eyes can be seen more clearly, there is good coordination between the two eyes, avoiding possible eye diseases in the future.

 Therefore, at least every 6 months, parents need to take children to City Eye Department of International Hospital to have a refractive error measurement for children. Leading specialists will advise children on appropriate prevention, diagnosis and treatment solutions.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

City International Hospital

  • Address: No. 3, 17A Street, Binh Tri Dong B Ward, Binh Tan Dist. (Next to AEON Mall Binh Tan). Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Operator: (+8428) 6280 3333, ext. 0
  • 24/7 Emergency: (+8428) 6290 1155
  • Website: https://cih.com.vn/en/
  • Fan page: https://www.facebook.com/BenhVienQuocTeCity/
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.