2020-05-13 07:05:39

HPV (short for Human Papillomavirus) is a type of virus that causes tumors in humans. The most common route of transmission is sexually transmitted.

Women with HPV are one of the causes of cervical cancer. This is a serious disease, seriously affecting reproductive health and potentially causing death in women.

HPV causes

There are about 100 strains of HPV, of which about 40 types are the cause of human genital diseases. 15 types are listed as viruses that cause many dangerous diseases in humans.

The two types of HPV 16 and 18 are considered to be the most dangerous viruses because they can penetrate deep into a woman's uterus, then grow to alter uterine tissue and cause cervical cancer. This is also the type that causes many other diseases such as vaginal cancer, anal cancer, penis cancer, etc.

Two types of HPV 6 and 11 when infected 90% can cause genital warts (genital warts) in the genital area, especially in men, developing diseases that make people uncomfortable, ashamed and lose confidence . The types that cause warts on hands and feet are HPV 2 and HPV 1.

However, HPV does not always cause illness, most people infected with HPV will clear it up themselves. The rest will progress more quickly into disease when other factors act at the same time, such as having too early sex, too many partners.

Transmission of HPV

Anyone can get HPV through oral, vaginal, anal sex with an infected person. HPV can be spread to others even if the person shows no signs or symptoms. HPV is mainly transmitted through sexual contact by skin-to-skin contact with the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, or contact with an infected person's penis, uterus, vagina, anus.

HPV can also be spread through items used by an infected person, such as manicures, staples, and underwear. Using condoms can prevent many diseases, including HPV. However, it is not absolutely safe because the area outside the condom can still be infected.

HPV is not spread by: from the toilet, hugging or holding hands, eating or sharing chopsticks, swimming in the same pool or tub with an infected person. HPV is also not genetic.

Although most HPV infections go away on their own and pre-cancerous lesions can clear up on their own, there is a risk that women with HPV who have chronic and precancerous lesions will invade and develops into cervical cancer. In women with normal immune systems, it takes about 15-20 years for cervical cancer to develop. But in women with weakened immune systems (such as those with HIV), they are more likely to get persistent HPV infection and progress quickly to cancer, taking only 5-10 years to develop cervical cancer. At the same time, these cases are also susceptible to other sexually transmitted agents such as herpes virus, chlamydia and gonorrhea ...

Cervical cancer prevention and control 

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended comprehensive approaches to the prevention and control of cervical cancer. And these actions are proposed to include lifelong interventions. It must be a multidisciplinary combination of community education, advocacy, immunization, screening, treatment and care. Initially, cervical cancer prevention was given to girls aged 9-14 years old. There are also other preventive measures for boys and girls such as:

Education about safe sex practices includes activities that start a relationship. Encourage and provide condoms to participants in sexual activities. Warning about tobacco use (usually beginning in adolescence) is an important risk factor for cervical cancer and other cancers. Women who are sexually active should be screened for abnormal cervical cells and precancerous lesions beginning at age 30. If there are signs of abnormalities, early intervention is needed to improve the quality of life.

Source Suckhoedoisong.vn

Get vaccinated for cervical cancer prevention 

The most common cause of cervical cancer is HPV virus, but it can be prevented with vaccines. The age recommended by the Ministry of Health of Vietnam is 9 - 26 years old. The most effective time to vaccinate girls and young women is before the start of sexual intercourse. See more details about the hospital's vaccine list here.

HPV vaccination reduces cervical cancer-causing infections by 86%

Cervical cancer can be cured if detected early 

Oncologists emphasize that cervical cancer can be cured if detected early. The advice of doctors to women is that they should have regular check-ups at prestigious medical facilities for obstetrics and oncology. When signs of abnormalities such as the smell of vaginal discharge and smell, after blood intercourse please see a doctor immediately, even if the patient has one bleeding, it is necessary to do tests to check because the damage can progress. For a long time does not cause bleeding again.

Cervical Cancer Screening at City International Hospital (CIH)

Tests include  

Clinic examination

Comprehensive medical history & physical examinations x
Specialist consultation (Gynecology) x

Cancer screening tests

ThinPrep Pap test x
HPV genotype Real-time PCR (HPV-PCR) x

Diagnostic radiology 

Transvaginal Ultrasound  x
Colposcopy x
Total cost of the individual tests (VND) 3,230,000
Package Price (VND) 2,600,000

For appointment or more information & services provided by OB/GYN Department,  please contact:

  • Ms. Võ Thị Mỹ Liên: (8428) 6280 3333, ext. 8424
  • Ms. Nguyễn Thị Lệ: (8428) 6280 3333, ext. 8402